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Apple Picking

one of the benefits of having random week days off with hubby is that we can take advantage of doing activities that are usually super crowded during the weekends.. except when you go apple picking on a tuesday afternoon and there are at least 8 buses of kids on a field trip running around the orchard! sweet jesus.. and then there was a bus of MIT students.. many of which were in major need of a shower and causing the donut line to wrap around the store and make me just a little annoyed.
thankfully my husband is more patient than i am because i probably would have left without waiting for donuts.. which, to be honest, is the major reason i go apple picking! but.. after wandering around looking at the goats, pigs and mini horses for a little, the MIT kids started running to catch their bus before it left without them (as i prayed to god that they didn't miss it), the kiddos were all packed away on their buses and the entire place emptied out (much to my liking). and wha-la, almost no more wait for donuts.. instant happiness.

okay, lets back up.. we started the day actually apple picking. remember when you used to go apple picking as a kid and it seemed like an entire day long event.. when did it become only a 10 minute ordeal? so sad. i tried to extend the picking as long as i could with lots of pictures (obviously) and we may or may not have snacked on an apple as we hit between the trees.
after we dropped the goods in the car, we headed over to the store for donut and snacks.. i guess because it was a week day they didn't have all the snacks we were hoping for.. like apple crisp or apple pie or anything baked except entire pies to take home. but when we finally snagged ourselves donuts and coffee we were happy and headed to the picnic tables. as we were walking, i heard a bunch of racket behind me and turned around to see ben completely covered in his coffee with our donuts (still in the bag) on the ground! stupid lid fell off while he was carrying the cup and made quite the mess.
then we cleaned him up, plopped down to eat and after a few minutes, i somehow managed to knock my coffee over and spill the entire cup all over the ground! seriously.. we were the biggest messes in the whole place (and i secretly thanked god the MIT kids weren't around anymore to laugh at us).

so, at the end of the day, we picked lots of yummy apples (which i can't wait to bake with), indulged in too many donuts, had a good belly laugh and a story to tell!
happy apple season!
