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Showing posts from April, 2018

a guide to 24 hours in portland, maine

fiance and i managed to sneak away last week for a night away in portland, maine which was exactly what we needed. no work, no chores, no stress, no cooking or cleaning, no responsibilities... just wandering from one brewery to the next, a delicious dinner on the ocean, yummy snacks, bed early, and, most importantly, time together with zero distractions.  we used to try planning some sort of getaway on nearly a monthly basis.. ranging anywhere from a plane ride to aruba, to a road trip to washington d.c, to a quick night away in boston.. thank god for blessing me with a man who loves to explore and travel as much as i do. mostly, my favorite part of getaways are the moments we get to spend together without a care in the world. please don't get me wrong.. i LOVE our life at home, it truly is amazing.. but with our crazy busy schedules and most days seeing each other in passing if we're lucky, nights away keep us sane and give us something to look forward to.  with that be