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Showing posts from March, 2018

why i've been MIA lately

happy tuesday! sorry i've been on a blogging hiatus recently. life has been busy with lots of changes and i've been doing a lot of thinking. ben and i are both starting new jobs... which is exciting and a little stressful as we adjust to new schedules. we're trying to figure out this whole wedding planning thing... which i'm realizing i'm just procrastinating on in hopes it will all just figure itself out... ha... wishful thinking. we've been getting pounded with snow almost weekly which is inconvenient and depressing... and it's now officially spring for goodness sakes... don't worry, more snow coming this week. can you tell i'm cranky and need a vacation? thankfully we're going to sneak away to portland, maine next week... and then have a trip to disney planned in a couple months. i can't wait! as far as the thinking a lot goes... here's my dilemma recently. i really enjoy writing this blog and sharing our everyday life and advent