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thoughts.. ideas..

howdy friends.. can you believe summer is almost over?! where the heck do the months ago? although part of me is sad to see these long, warm days coming to an end.. a larger part of me is so excited for fall. the crisp air, the oversize sweaters and plaid, the warm coffee, the leaves that look like they're on fire, the apples and pumpkins, cozy nights by a fire.. guys, i'm the ultimate basic bitch and i'm totally fine with that!
i'm so happy i started blogging again. i love sharing our adventures, my thoughts and everything random in between. i enjoy sitting down to write posts and it's so nice to have a place i can look back to relive special days. and i really hope you all enjoy my posts and benefit in some way or another from them.

so today, i'm looking for ideas.. i'd love to hear topics you all would like to read more about. please, please share and i'll do my best to deliver! you guys are the best for coming back each week to support me.. love you all! <3
