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snow day

do you remember the anticipation of a snow day as a kid? checking the news constantly to see if your school was one of the lucky ones to have the day off in the morning? and then waking up in the morning to a blanket of white that made even the ugliest of streets look magical. how beautiful the world looked before the streets were plowed and the walkways were covered in footsteps.

i haven't been able to enjoy this excitement for a long time because i am considered "essential personnel." sounds important and all except you don't feel so special when you wake up to snow, have to shovel yourself out (or plow through the snow in your jeep like me), and then make the painfully slow commute to work. those kind of days i'd prefer to not be "essential."  womp womp.

well today, i somehow got lucky and the pups and i got to enjoy a snow day together! we spent the day sipping on hot chocolate/chewing bones, running around and playing in the snow (which they can't get enough of), and cozying up by the fire to read and nap. oh... and lots of time clearing snow... because i'm stubborn and for some crazy reason enjoy shoveling.


mya must have found something good..
ryder had to come check it out..
and then miss riley did too.. it was a piece of poop.. 

for those of you enduring this blizzard, stay safe and warm. xo 
