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night shift food problems

i intended to write a post about what i did hour to hour today... except then i napped for a while and spent a lot of time driving and figured that would be too boring... so instead am sharing what i ate on this snowy day.

i love the night shift so much more than working a day shift but, boy, does it screw with my body sometimes. in the middle of the night i crave carbs... problem is i usually bring something along the lines of a salad which i end up forcing myself to eat... nothing worse than arugula and ground chicken at 3am. and then the carb cravings continue into the next day.

so i got out of work at 8am this morning, headed to crossfit, did a bunch of errands and collapsed on the couch for a couple hours. now i'm awake and groggy and not quite sure what to do with myself since it's only 7pm and my dogs will not approve of bedtime quite yet.

alright, back to how night shifts screw with my eating habits... i'm pretty sure i only ate about a third of the amount of protein i should have today and way too many carbs...

breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, some leftover sweet potato baked fries and an avocado/tomato salad. 
then i headed out for some errands... i love being bundled up and in the middle of snow storm... usually the roads are empty except for my jeep, some plows and a few other crazy people. today, unfortunately, was just enough snow to make things wet but the world carried on it's usual routine... so there were people out! ugh. 
when i got home i ate some leftover sausage egg roll in a bowl with rice crackers... this recipe i made with spicy pork sausage and is so easy and delicious.
then there was some cuddling with this sleepy lady and napping.
dinner was a real disaster... yogurt and granola, followed by a waffle. the thought of real food made me nauseous... so more sugar and carbs it was! 
 and this peanut butter has become my worst enemy... i ate way more spoonfuls than i'd like to share today... and probably managed to eat an eating evolved coconut butter cup also... whoops! 

some days you eat perfectly clean and other days you eat half a jar of peanut butter and all the carbs. moderation. now i'm hoping to convince the puppies it's time for bed... wish me luck! 

