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what i ate in a day

hey guys! i've been in a wicked rut lately and i think it's because i work too much and don't sleep enough. over the past few weeks, my workouts have been suffering and i've been playing gym hooky a lot... because that extra hour of sleep in the morning is so necessary. and then i have a terrible habit of beating myself up over crappy workouts and missed workouts. SO UNHEALTHY. 

i have to frequently remind myself that sleep is such an important part of excelling in the gym and it's okay to sleep in sometimes (you know, until 0530 instead of 0430). i did lots of bitching and moaning this weekend about my lack of motivation and then, somehow, wha-la, i feel a lot better this week. waking up at 0430 isn't quite so painful as it's been lately and my early morning workout isn't quite so weak and slow. slowly but surely, i'm learning to listen to my body. 

speaking of listening to my body, this whole paleo/gluten free adventure is awesome. at work the other day, someone mentioned how yummy my meals always look... sure they take me a little longer to make than just cooking chicken and broccoli every day... but chicken and broccoli gets super boring and i'll never stick to this healthier lifestyle if i don't spice up my meals and make them a little appetizing. and on the weekends i hate cooking so we've been trying gluten free options when we go out to dinner. it's amazing how many restaurants offer gluten free options! love it. 

here's what i ate the other day. 

breakfast: spaghetti squash, turkey meatballs, kale and a spoonful of applesauce. 
i've been eating dinner-for-breakfast a lot lately because i'm sick of eggs and avoiding grains

snack: coffee and an rx bar

lunch: salad with chicken sausage and born primal dressing. a few lara bites.

 dinner: burger topped with goat cheese, sweet potato fries and more sauteed kale.

dessert: paleo/gluten free pumpkin blondies i made from bakerita blog... so gooey and amazing.

happy eating!
