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such a dreary, rainy day but the perfect time to start decorating our house for the holidays. after a great workout that left both of my thighs bruised from the barbell repetitively slamming into me, i headed home, turned on some christmas music, and had at it. 
the day started with meal prepping and making paleo pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for our gym's "cragsgiving." the cookies might look like little balls of poo, but they taste delicious (check out the recipe here). 
then some christmas decorating and hot chocolate. gotta wait until after thanksgiving for the tree... although i'd love to get it now, i think there'd be more pine needles on our living room floor than on the branches come christmas. 

and then i made four bundles worth of sautéed kale and bacon for "cragsgiving" before heading to the gym. the community our gym has created is so amazing... such a fun night filled with tons of food and friends. 

now... can you guess what i'm doing? watching cheesy hallmark christmas movies of course. have to get them in when i have control of the television... ben is not a fan... i can't imagine why. 


i've been loving this kale so darn much lately... i might eat it every day... probably because it's mixed with bacon... who doesn't love bacon? super healthy side dish you'll have to try and it's super easy to make.

Sautéed Kale
3 slices of bacon 
1 bunch of kale
garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, and cayenne pepper to taste 
juice from 1/2 lemon 

1. In a skillet, cook bacon until crispy and remove. 
2. Run a knife along eat side of the kale stem to remove leaves, discard stem. Roughly chop kale and add to bacon grease. Season kale with spices as desired. Sauté kale for about 5-10 minutes until tender. 
3. Remove from skillet and toss with lemon juice (use a little at a time... you can always add more).
4. Crumble bacon and toss with kale. 
5. Enjoy!
