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today and everyday, i'm thankful for

it's 6am on thanksgiving morning and i'm working... then i have to hurry home to sleep so i can wake up early, see my family for a short while, and head back to work tonight. awesome holiday, right? it actually is. sure, i'd prefer to be home with my family all day but this alternative is not too bad. i have a job... the one i've always wanted... and for that i am so thankful.

i'm thankful for my family. often times we argue and fight and can't see eye to eye, but they are always there, loving me, supporting me, and keeping me in check.

i'm thankful for ben. i have no idea what i did to deserve such an amazing partner in life but i have to be the luckiest girl around. and i'm over the moon excited to marry him in less than a year!

i'm thankful for the best soon-to-be in-laws. thank the lord they aren't like the kind you see in movies!

i'm thankful for our crazy puppies. they leave so much fur and dirt in our house and drive me crazy on a daily basis, but they also make me smile on even my worst days.

i'm thankful for coffee and chocolate. i'm not sure how i'd get through a day without them.

i'm thankful for the best work colleagues who have become some of my greatest friends.

i'm thankful for crossfit and all the friends we've met along the way. the bond you develop with people you go through near hell with is unlike any other.

i have so many things to be thankful for this year. 2017 has been very good to me.
happy thanksgiving friends. may your day be filled with people you love, pie and wine.
