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how to avoid over eating during the holidays

thanksgiving is less than a week away and i have no idea where 2017 went! from our engagement to new babies to our journey with crossfit and new work opportunities... such an amazing year is coming to an end and 2018 will bring all kinds of new excitement... you know... like our wedding!!!

okay, back to thanksgiving... one of my favorite holidays because it includes some of my favorite things: time spent with loved ones and food... all the food. 

you know that feeling when you eat a massive turkey dinner and feel like an oompa loompa but then you convince yourself you have room for apple pie and pumpkin pie and cakes and cookies? and then remember how awful you felt after but you tell yourself it's okay because it's thanksgiving and everyone stuffs themselves this much? yeah... that feeling is the worst and so unnecessary!

although i've been trying to eat paleo and gluten free about 80-90% of the time, i'm a firm believer in not depriving yourself of foods you like... these behaviors are what cause us to binge. these diets like whole30 where you eat clean for 30 days and all everyone talks about is how they can't wait to consume all the desserts when 30 days is over... what the hell is the point? i think it's stupid.

so when there is a food i really enjoy (like apple pie on thanksgiving and christmas cookies), i eat them. plus, these holidays only come around once a year so eat grandmas apple pie if that's what you like... you may not get another chance for a whole year! the years might seem like they're flying by now but i bet it'll feel like an eternity waiting a whole 365 days for your favorite pie. 

that's what i plan to do this holiday season... eat the pie and cookies. but what i won't be doing is stuffing myself until i have a belly ache. here are some tips i use to avoid over eating at any party or get together...


1. exercise in the morning. morning workouts make me feel energized and starting off with a healthy habit sets me up for ongoing success throughout the day... plus, let's be honest, it makes me feel a little better about eating pie and cookies. 

2. eat before. a meal or snack with protein and healthy fats before attending your party will help avoid the feeling of being so hungry you devour everything in sight when you arrive. also, when we are super hungry we tend to crave carbohydrates... sugar. 

3. drink water. lots and lots of water. we so often confuse hunger with thirst and dehydration. 

4. use a smaller plate. less room to pile high with food... which is always way more than we actually need. 

5. eat slowly. slow down and stop inhaling your food. allow your body to realize you're actually full. 

6. limit alcohol. we tend to disregard the sugar and calories we consume in the liquid form... and if you're anything like me, you want to snack constantly when you get buzzed.

 oh yeah, and feel free to send your turkey left overs this way... ryder loves turkey and will gladly take them off your hands.

