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chocolate: it's food not candy

i'm addicted to sugar. i know this. i'm trying to work on it but it's really hard... i think i'd check myself into rehab if they had one for sugar addicted people. and unfortunately, this whole paleo thing isn't fond of sweets but there is no way i am ready to completely give them up. i don't think i'll ever do that because i think it's stupid... why give up something i love so much? dumb.

you know, there was a time in my life when i was disciplined. when i wouldn't start eating sweets and not be able to stop. this time in my life was when i was about 4 years old. my grandma likes to tell the story of the time her and i went to the bank and the teller asked if i wanted a lollipop... guess what i replied? "no thank you, i already had my sweets today." what the hell! i really can't believe those kind of words came out of my mouth... ever. i wish i was half as disciplined now as my 4 year old self.

oh well... now at least i know sugar is not good for me so i looked for healthier options and found the most amazing chocolate that is vegan, paleo and gluten free. win. now i don't have to feel guilty when i eat more than my share of sweets for the day. eating evolved makes coconut butter cups and chocolate bars that are out of this world. i personally love the coconut butter cups and have been eating one almost every night as my sweet treat for the day. they are rich and creamy and, if you like dark chocolate, you have to try them! 

"chocolate is nature's way of making up for monday's." 
