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what i ate in a day

here goes week one of attempting to eliminate gluten and eat as paleo as i possibly can... it's definitely not going to be perfect but i'm sick of stomach cramps and feeling bloated after meals and i'm hoping this will help.

my goals is to eat this way during the week and cheat a little on weekends... like pumpkin beer and real desserts kind of cheating. 

so friends, if you have any yummy gluten free/paleo recipes you'd like to share with me, please send them along! i'm experimenting in the kitchen and this weekend i had a few epic failures. i think my problem is i have a hard time sticking to recipes and i always want to change or add my own things. 

so sunday was just a mess. i bought paleo pancake mix from wegmans. i'm sure if i followed the directions they would have turned out fantastic... but... nope... i added pureed pumpkin because, well, fall and i added eggs because i wanted more protein. well, we ate what tasted like undercooked pancakes for breakfast sunday morning... no matter how long we cooked them, they stayed mushy inside! ugh. failure. then i decided to cook gluten free raviolis for dinner sunday night... they completely fell apart in the water and turned into a pile of mush. so then we ate raviolis with gluten instead and they came out in one piece. 

poor ben... he gets to be my guinea pig and try all the disgusting food i cook... but he also gets to eat the yummy stuff like my peanut butter cookie dough bites and gluten free meatloaf i made to go along with our raviolis. he really doesn't have it too bad. i wish someone would cook for me all the time. 

alright, here is what i ate in a day. 

my usual pre-workout fuel for fire before crossfit.

breakfast: two chicken sausages, sautéed kale and bacon, and one fried egg on top. 

lunch: smoked salmon, vegetable cream cheese, 1/2 avocado, and cherry tomatoes. 

snack: black coffee and some larabar bites

dinner: turkey meatloaf, roasted herb carrots, and a side salad with kale, tomatoes, olives, gorgonzola cheese and primal kitchen ranch dressing. 

after dinner treat: one peanut butter cookie dough bites

happy monday :)
