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meal prepping

when you wake up at 0430 and don't get home until 2000 on a good day, meal planning becomes essential... but even on days off i find i eat much better if i have already cooked and separated my food into containers. i usually prepare enough meals for three-ish days at a time and make sure to cook things i actually want to eat. 

for a while i'd prep some boring meat and vegetables and call it a day... sounded like a great idea until i didn't want to eat anything i cooked. now i've gotten over the idiotic idea that i shouldn't eat carbs and i add rice and sometimes pasta... and often some cheese... and wha-la... all of a sudden i actually want to eat my meals. then i buy some yummy snacks to eat between my three main meals and do my best to limit my sweet tooth to a handful of chocolate chips each day (on week days because on weekends i have no accountability). 

so here's what i'll be eating for the next three days... all cooked and dishes cleaned up in about one hour.  

roasted brussel sprouts, steak and i usually throw a fried egg on top... this is usually breakfast

pasta, cherry tomatoes, roasted eggplant, and chicken sausage... probably will toss some mozzarella cheese on top

rice, broccoli, and ground turkey... i eat this meal just about every day of my life... and it's only still bearable because i love rice and i add a piece of cheese on top of my broccoli. 

and all the food in-between... 

i don't think i could live in a world without peanut butter... this bread you usually can find in the freezer section

i love these epic jerky bars... the chicken and venison are my favorite 

my go to pre-workout snack with the perfect amount of protein and carbs to keep me moving

happy eating! 
