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Goals for my 28th year

September 1st came and went and I am officially 28 years old... holy cow. Hard to believe another year is over... time has a funny way of passing by all too fast.

As I get older, I've slowly come to learn what is truly important in my life... those things that make me look back and smile... and it's crazy because they are so very simple. As I begin another year of my life, I have so much to look forward to... so much change happening... and I love every second of it.

For the first time, I can whole heartedly say I'm in love with my life, our life. This feeling is something I wish for everyone... everyone should get to experience this happiness. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life... made a lot of impulsive decisions... looked back and wondered what the hell I was thinking. But, now I realized they were necessary evils to get where I am today. Please remember, it is never too late to change what you're doing in order to find complete happiness. 
It exists. 

This year I intend to continue to enjoy life's simple pleasures and I intend to seek them out as often as I possibly can. In a year, I hope I can look back on this list with a sense of accomplishment. 

Early morning coffee. Workouts that make my arms and legs shake. Simple date nights filled with lots of laughter. More books and less television. Harry Potter. Long walks with the puppies. Less shopping. Girl time. Family time. Less stressing and over analyzing. Adventures. Vegetables and fruit. Lots of baking and new recipe trials.   

Cheers to 28! 
