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a day in the life...

happy wednesday! two more days until friday... thank the lord. 

i had the day off today... kind of... and it was filled with all sorts of random things... and lots of eating... which is just like every other day in my life! most of my days off include the gym, errands, chores and puppy time... 

here's a snap shot of today in pictures.

0600: my day started at 0600 when riley jumped on the bed to tell me she was ready to go outside... mind you, this is actually late for her (usually she's waking me up at 0430) but last night we went to bed late. so, i got up, walked into the hallway and stepped in dog poop. fantastic. someone (i think riley) was sick last night... and of course they needed to poop on rugs... two of them. what a present to wake up to. 

0700: so after cleaning up dog poop, i headed out for a 3 mile run. 
0800: quick rinse off in the shower, changed and ate a fuel for fire. 
0900: crag's 9am class which consisted of lots of shoulder presses, single leg romanian deadlifts, dumbbell snatches and double unders. 
1000: post workout shake and some socializing before heading home. 
1100: the lawn wasn't going to mow itself... shucks. 
1200: lunch (which was the same as dinner... see below) and a real shower this time. 

1300: heading to work for a training
1400-1700: three extremely long hours of electronic medical record training... thank god yeti makes extra large mugs that keep an extra large amount of coffee warm for three hours.
1800: dress shopping for a wedding this weekend. 
1900: dinner which consisted of ground turkey, white rice, and broccoli. then a walk with the pups
2000: another shower... so much showering in one day... 
2100: time for some hawaii five-o and bed... 0430 comes early.  

goodnight friends. 
