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Tinder... who knew

"They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered." 
F. Scott Fitzgerald 

Last night, Ben and I were laying in bed talking.. sappy talk.. the kind you do when you know you're about to spend a week apart. And I remember us talking about how we are both marrying our best friend. I'm not sure how I got lucky enough to be marrying my best friend.. but we have officially booked a destination wedding in the Dominican Republic in Fall 2018! 

So I think it's an appropriate time to share the story of how we met... on Tinder. It's okay, judge away... 

... alright, out of your system? 


Now let me take you back to my life in 2015: I was a physician assistant working long days at a hospital over an hour away from home in Hartford, owned my own house, had two dogs and a mini farm.. I had it all figured out except I was missing one thing.. I was missing someone to share everything with. The happy times, the sad times, the laughs, the struggles, Monday mornings and drunken Friday nights. I tried dating here and there but never had a connection with anyone... not even a little one until Tinder introduced me to Ben. 

My friend suggested trying tinder and I downloaded the app twice.. both times were the same; I flipped through a few pictures, was disgusted, and deleted it. A while pasted and she convinced me to try a third time. No lie, Ben was the first and only person I spoke to through the app and then it was deleted one last time. Of course I'd heard tinder was the "hook-up" app so I asked Ben why he was on there... his answer impressed me and I realized that was exactly why I was on it. We both had crazy schedules, worked night, had yet to meet someone at the grocery store and never had time to go out (plus, the last person I was interested in was a drunk guy at a bar). 

We started talking while Ben was away at his brother's wedding... nonstop for a week... to the point where I felt like I knew him and we hadn't even met. When he returned home, we met for a few drinks and then I managed to lose a piece of my heart that day... he has since managed to steal it all. Within the same week he introduced me to his entire family (all at the same time... not scary at all)... and soon I get to steal their name! 

Who knew I'd meet the man I'm going to spend my life with on Tinder? Craziness. 
