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A Letter To My Younger Self

Kiddo... you are so young and there is no need to rush this whole growing up thing. Wipe off all that make up.  You look like a clown.

High school is so important to you right now and you are spending way too much time trying to fit in, make lots of friends, be the most popular... just relax. I know it seems like the most important thing in the world to have the best clothes, be the prettiest, the skinniest, the most athletic... but one day you'll realize these traits are so superficial and insignificant. None of them matter when you walk out of those high school doors for the last time.

Start listening to Mom and Dad. They aren't trying to make your life miserable on purpose. It's just that they've been there, done that and don't want you to make the same mistakes they did. One day you'll get it.
You'll never be the most popular, the prettiest, or the three sport varsity athlete. You'll spend so much time feeling like you don't fit in. Life's rough. Sorry. And guess what... as you get older, you'll still feel like you don't fit in most days and you'll actually be thankful for that.

Quit trying to impress people. It doesn't matter what they think about you.

Stop complaining about family vacations and taking holidays together for granted. One day in your near future you won't be together like these times. When that day comes, you'll spend multiple occasions balling your little eyes out in your car... when you cry, you tend to do it in the car where no one else can see.
Don't be so hard on Dad. Appreciate the full breakfast he makes you every morning and how he irons your clothes for the next day each night. There will come a time you have to leave the house without breakfast and looking like a wrinkled mess.

You are wise beyond your years but have a tendency to be so naive. If you aren't careful you may get yourself into trouble. You trust so easily and this tends to hurt you. Just think before you act and make the right choices. Did you hear me? I said, make the right choices. This is so important.

Stop worrying about boys so much. They're all immature jerks and eventually you're going to regret pushing your family away to spend time with boyfriends.

And one day you're going to meet a guy who will make you realize you never really loved anyone else before him, despite what you used to think. He will be kind of a big deal... he'll change your entire world and weeks after he asks you to marry him, you'll still have a hard time believing it to be real life.
Enjoy girl time. As you get older, it becomes more and more limited. Have fun, take lots of pictures and, most importantly, laugh so hard you cry.
Quit complaining about your little brothers. Of course they're annoying... that's how little brothers are supposed to be. I know it's hard to believe now but eventually they will mature (somewhat) and become two of your best friends. Cherish your time with them. Before you know it, you'll move out then they'll move out and you won't see each other nearly enough.
You're not a "good driver" as you claim. You'll wreck more cars than you care to remember.

Don't get irritated at Mom for the endless pictures she takes... especially those with Santa... she'll want you to continue to get pictures taken with him, even when you're 27. It's okay if you don't look cool in front of the entire mall. One day you'll be happy she captured all those memories.
Stay silly... and jacked.
Oh yeah... stop complaining so much... there is really no need to be so dramatic.

Little lady, whatever you decide to become, be a good one.

I wish you could see yourself today... all you've accomplished and the person you see when you look in the mirror. Maybe I'm biased but I think you'd be proud of her. Try to enjoy your younger years... they are going to fly by and adulthood is challenging in its own way. Learn from your mistakes and don't make them twice. Remember that what happens in high school will not define the person you become.
Hang in there. You'll figure everything out in time. Now, go apologize to Mom for arguing with her about everything. She was always right.
