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No one is born a warrior. They become one when they refuse to stay seated. When they stand up for what they believe in, even when that means standing alone. Even when that means being hated by many. They become one when they decide to do something most people shy away from. Warriors are not people who are fearless. They are those who choose to keep moving forward despite their fears... despite the trembling of their knees, the racing of their heart, or their logic telling them to turn around. They become a warrior by choice and then become a hero by default.

Police officers... these men and women are warriors and heroes every single day... our real life supermen.
Heroes. We all need them... someone to believe in, especially in a world where the majority of people will eventually let us down.... and is there a better time to talk about heroes and warriors than Police Week? They stand in freezing rain for hours, search woods so thick and dark they can't see in front of their face, enter homes without any idea what they're walking into, deliver babies, break up fights, are the first to arrive for assistance when people are in their most vulnerable state... sacrificing so much and receiving so little in return.

They leave their families every day to protect people they've never met... without ever asking questions. They miss more birthday parties, Christmas mornings, soccer games and Sunday night dinners than they can count. It breaks my heart that society aspires to be like the baseball player or the movie star or the rapper who was arrested for beating up his wife and using drugs, all the while disrespecting law enforcement. These are men and women who rush to your side when no one else will. Respect them, appreciate them. Please.

Maybe once in a while show them your support... maybe try the gift below... it's super easy to make and yummy.

Police Officer Survival Kit

And if you ever get a chance to go to Washington D.C. you must check out the National Law Enforcement Memorial. It will break your heart.
