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Happy Birthday My Love

this week the love of my life turned 30 years old. it's hard to believe another year has come and gone and i still often have a hard time believing i get to call him mine. let me tell you, the best decision i ever made was agreeing to marry him... not like it was a decision at all... he has had my heart for a very long time. and not because he is so incredibly handsome (although that is definitely a huge bonus).

but because he is good. he loves me unconditionally, even when i least deserve it. he is always kind, even when i haven't been kind back. he is the most level headed person i know and has helped calm my soul and keep me sane. he is the best friend a girl could ask for. he listens to me and knows when to offer advice or just listen. he is selfless and honest and i have never felt more safe than i do when i'm next to him. 

throughout the years, we've laughed so hard tears stream down our cheeks. we've also cried together in difficult times, and then, he's looked me in the eyes and tried to crack a lame joke to make me smile... it always works.

because he annoys me daily but when we are apart for more than fifteen minutes i miss him so much my insides ache. because he challenges me and pushes me to places i never knew i was capable of going. he serves under the radar and never asks for recognition... not once. he works harder than anyone i know and giving up is just not something he is capable of doing. 

because he dreams big and enjoys lazy sunday mornings, all at the same time. because he will be my partner in crime any time i want ice cream or cookies and then salad for dinner. he is the greatest fixer in all the land which works out perfectly because i have a knack for breaking things. because he prefers to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt whenever possible but looks like the cover of gq when he throws on a dress shirt and tie. 

because he likes to hunt and crossfit. because he will watch the same show six times if that's how long it takes me to finish it (i tend to fall asleep quickly). he is protective of me but not over bearing and gives me space when i need it. because he has an adventurous spirit and enjoys exploring new places just as much as i do. 

because he has more patience than anyone i know and the ability to handle stressful situations with such ease and class. and despite his career, he always sees the good in people and does not judge.  because even though it's my turn to take the dogs out, he will when it is raining or cold. 

because i sleep like complete dump when he is away but pass out in under sixty seconds when my head hits his chest. because he has become my home, my safe place, no matter where we may be. 

you are my favorite person benjamin. thank you for being my best friend and my fiancé. i love you more than you know. happy birthday!
